Tuesday, March 20, 2007


What is FOIP?
FOIP is Alberta's "Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act".

"The purpose of the Act is to make public bodies, including the University, open and accountable to the public in the way they acquire, use and dispose of information."
-University of Lethbridge

What does this mean for you? FOIP is there to protect your privacy. It means that your personal information such as your personal records, including address, phone number, and grades are protected. FOIP ensures you are the only person who has the right to view such information. Not even your personal guardians are able to access your grades without your consent.

The Five Key Principles of the Act are:

1) Right of Access
This means that institutiosn must make infromation accessable. For example you have the right to inquire about your own grades and there is a system in place to ensure you can obtain them. The University of Lethbridge allows access to this infromation through the Registar's Office.

2) Personal Privacy is Protected
This means that your information must be kept in secrecy. No one else but yourself has access to it.

3) Right to See Personal Information
This means that you have the right to view any information that the University has collected on you. The University does not have the authority to withhold this information from you.

4) Right to Request Correction
This means that you have the right to change any information that might have incorrectly recorded. This may not be a big deal if it is simply an address or phone number, but if it is your grades or a situation such as academic probation, you have the right to ensure the information is accurate.

5) Independent Review
This means that if you feel that violations have been made to the FOIP policy an outside party will be responsible for reviewing your case and carry out corrections as necessary.

Got Questions?

- Visit the Registar's Office on Level One of the Students' Union Building (SU140) or email: inquiries@uleth.ca

- Visit the Alberta Government FOIP website. http://foip.gov.ab.ca/


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