Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The University of Lethbridge follows a definitive procedure in the course of a student committing an “Academic Offense” Such offences include: Plagiarism, cheating, duplication, confidential materials, and misrepresentations. The following is a summary of the offenses and penalization protocol cited directly from Part 4 – Academic Regulations, Policies and Program Requirements of the 2007/2008 U of L Academic Calendar.

Academic Offences
A student is not allowed to copy/ represent another person's work as his or his own.

Students are not allowed exchanging information during tests, obtaining information from unauthorized sources, or representing another student.

No student is allowed to submit an assignment, report, etc more than once (whether or not it is in the same course) in order to gain double the credit for a single body of work.

Confidential Materials
Students are not allowed to receive or give out awaiting tests or share laboratory handbooks.

A student is not allowed to purposely misrepresent facts; this includes citing non-existent/false sources.

Discipline Procedures
Penalties assigned by the Instructor
An Instructor could assert a grade reduction or failing of the assignment, grade reduction in the course, a grade of ‘F’ in the course or have the student do additional work in the course.

A student suspended from the University of Lethbridge must be completely removed from the campus for a fixed amount of time (maximum time is three years). Upon returning to the University, the student must enroll in the course/courses she or he was suspended from.

A student expelled from the University of Lethbridge will be completely removed from the institution for an indefinite period of time. If the student so chooses to return to the University, he/she must receive written approval from the Academic Vice-President and the Dean of the program the student was expelled, and must do so after at least three years of removal from the campus.


KNOW THE RULES: Read instructions before writing examinations.

MANAGE TIME WISELY: Schedule your time wisely as to not feel desperate enough to cheat.

DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES: Talk to your professor if you are unsure about how to properly cite work or if you are having difficulties with the assignment.

NEVER COPY: When working in groups, only exchange ideas and opinions. Write down the main ideas. Then write up the final copy independently.

REMEMBER: Cheating is never worth the risks. If you overwhelmed and are stuck in a rut, get in touch with a counselor, academic advisor, or talk to your professor.


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