Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What you need to do NOW if you are completing your degree at the end of the semester.

Are you completing your degree at the end of the semester? If you are, this is what you need to do now!

1.) Perform a program check and make sure that you are actually going to graduate! You can do this on your own or you can meet with an Academic Advisor. You will need to contact the advising office for your faculty to arrange an appointment for a program check.

To perform the check yourself you will need a program planning guide and a copy of your transcript. You can pick up program planning guides from the Arts and Science Advising Office (SU060) or you can get one online at http://www.uleth.ca/ross/ppgs/index.html. You can get a copy of your transcript from the Registrars Office (SU 140) or you can access it through your U of L Bridge account. To do so simply log into your account, click the link for the Registrars Office and Student Services, then Student Records, then Working Copy Transcript.

2.) Apply to Graduate. That’s right; you have to apply to graduate! In order to attend convocation in the spring you must complete an Application for Graduation. These can be picked up at the Registrars Office (SU140) and at the Arts & Science Student Advising Office (SU064). If you are completing your degree at the end of this semester your convocation will be in spring. You must submit your application for graduation by March 1, 2007.

3.) Get a Job This is it… you are about to graduate and will soon have to face the ‘real world’ – time to get a haircut and get a real job! If you don’t know where to begin your job search check out the Career and Employment Services Office (B625) which will continue to assist you with your job search for up to two years after you graduate! If you have any job related questions you are encouraged to phone Career and Employment Services at 403-329-2187, or check out there website at http://www.uleth.ca/ross/ces/index.html.

4.) Grad Studies If you are interested in furthering your education then grad studies might be for you. There are plenty of opportunities for graduate studies here on campus and you can find out more about these by visiting the U of L School of Graduate Studies website, http://www.uleth.ca/sgs/. If you know you would like to perform your grad studies with a specific professor begin discussing possible research opportunities and building your relationship with him/her now.

5.) Travel There are plenty of ways to travel. If you would like to help to make the world a better place while doing it maybe you should volunteer overseas. If you are interested I recommend checking out this site http://www.globalcitizensforchange.com/. Spend some time navigating the pages and you can find links to all the information you will need. If you would prefer to earn money while traveling perhaps teaching English is a good fit. There are plenty of organizations that can help you with this and you can find out more by searching the Internet.

6.) Do nothing and move back in with your parents. If you have absolutely no ambition or motivation I would recommend moving back in with your parents, where you can spend your time playing video games, watching t.v., and eating your parents food, all from the comfort of a couch. If you are like me you never left your parents’ house, which will make the transition from student to loafer very easy.


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