Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Health and Well-Being Strategies

University can be a very stressful time for most students and keeping motivated can be a real challenge. Here are some tips for coping with the everyday stress of school:

Simplify. Keep your workspace organized so you know where everything is. While some people work efficiently in clutter and chaos it is helpful when you know where things are. Keeping your living space neat and clean is also helpful as a mess can distract you when you are trying to work.

Use a calendar. A great way to keep track of your appointments/exam dates/assignment due dates is to write them down on a calendar. Post the calendar in a familiar place, like on your fridge, where it can act as a reminder.

Be responsible. If you find yourself being late for class every day or too rushed in the morning, then get up 15 minutes earlier each day. This will allow you some extra time to get ready and get to your destination on time.

Be efficient. One of the most common problems university students face is procrastinating. This bad habit can cause so much stress and anxiety, all of which can be avoided by a little planning ahead and some time management skills. If you know you have an exam coming up then make sure you give yourself enough time to study in advance, that way you can just review your notes a day or two before you write it and not struggle to grasp concepts that are too complex for a cram session.

Talk to someone. If you are feeling stressed the best way to deal is to talk with someone you trust. A good friend or relationship partner would be ideal, or someone you know who is a good listener. The University has a variety of counselling services, including academic and personal, and they can help you with anxiety management. For more information visit http://www.uleth.ca/ross/counselling/index.html

Exercise. One of the best ways to eliminate built up stress is to exercise, exercise, exercise! Exercise not only relieves stress but it can make you feel very energized and motivated, so you can take on all of the tasks that you have been putting off! The University has its own fitness centre as well as a variety of other activities such as yoga, kickboxing, etc. For more information about the facility and its activities visit http://www.uleth.ca/sportrec or http://www.uleth.ca/hwc/

Get enough sleep. Try to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours a night, and keep a consistent schedule so that your sleep cycle can stay regular. If you have trouble falling asleep because you have so many things on your mind, try to write them down so that you can deal with them in the morning.

Learn to say NO. In order to focus on your studies you must learn to say NO. Say NO to friends who want you to go out and party every night. You must also learn to say NO to extra projects and social activities that you do not have the time or energy to commit to.

Relaxation Tips

1. If you experience physical pain as a result of stress then it might be a good idea to see a massage therapist, chiropractor, or physiotherapist. The Health Centre, located in SU020, can answer any questions you may have about these services, and you can e-mail them at health.centre@uleth.ca, or visit http://www.uleth.ca/ross/health_centre/index.html
If you can afford it, treating yourself to a massage every once in a while can be a very soothing and satisfying experience.

2. Listening to music can be very relaxing, particularly slow music. At home, in the car, or even listening to your ipod between classes can give you a break and make you feel better.

3. As girly as it may sound, there is nothing better than a hot bath and some aromatherapy to make you feel ten times better. Lighting your favourite incense or scented candles can help you relax and feel more content, and soaking in some bubble bath will make you feel rejuvenated after a long day.

Diet Advice

Eat breakfast!! This is the most important meal of the day, it gives you your energy for the morning and kick starts your metabolism. Also, snacking on fruits and vegetables throughout the day will help you avoid unhealthy carbohydrate cravings. Drink lots of water… obviously, and avoid consuming too much caffeine, as it can make you more tired than awake after too much.

As everybody knows Reading Week is the week of the 19th-23rd of February. The most practical advice I can give you is to catch up on all of your readings and studying during this week, while also taking some time to relax. Hang out with friends and have fun for part of the break, but manage your time efficiently and if you have any overdue projects to complete then focus on those as well.


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